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 Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series)

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2 posters
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 2189
Join date : 22.04.2010
Age : 56
Lokacija : Tamo gdje je sve po mom...

Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty
PostajNaslov: Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series)   Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty31.10.17 7:09

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Naručio jučer ovaj duhan, uz piksu C&D Pirati Kakea, pa da vidimo!

PS. Ako guru bayro kaže da se C&D nemreš fulat, onda nisam fulfal! lol!

Trebalo bi mi doć do petka, javim dojmove!
[Vrh] Go down
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3091
Join date : 17.09.2010
Age : 31
Lokacija : Agram
Omiljeni duhani : Presbyterian, Artisan's Blend i Amphora Regular

Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series)   Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty31.10.17 8:55

Ja sam razmišljao o narudžbi tog kejka, obavezno javi dojmove i ako ostane što donesi u Klub!
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 2189
Join date : 22.04.2010
Age : 56
Lokacija : Tamo gdje je sve po mom...

Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series)   Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty31.10.17 10:32

Može, Leo, dogovoreno! (ako kaj ostane do Štefanja, donesem, jer do onda me nema, a nadam se da bum na Štefanje u klubu)
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Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series)   Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series) Empty

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Cornell & Diehl; Chenet's Cake (Cellars Series)
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