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 Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.

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Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty
PostajNaslov: Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.   Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty17.11.11 18:10

Preneseno sa stranog foruma:

1. Top Blend. Ranked by the number of times a blend was noted. Highest, a tie between two blends this year was noted eight separate times. Lowest, a tie between 22 different blends was noted at least twice. Impossible to rank those who only got noted once. This tells us the one blend that was consumed the most by Smoker’s Forum Members for the 2011 year. In essence, the most popular blend.

2. Top Brand Overall. Adding up all the different blends that belong to each brand and ranking them from highest number to lowest number noted. Highest this year had 22 different blends noted. Lowest number of blends was a tie between eight different brands. All had just two blends noted. This tells us the brand that had the most blends consumed by Smoker’s Forum Members for the 2011 year. In essence, the brand with the most appealing range of blends.

I have added another category this year. In an effort to ‘drill down’ the Top Brand category, I have tallied the most blends per brand that landed in the Top Blends category.

3. Top Brand within Top Blends. Adding up all the different blends that belong to each brand and ranking them from highest number to lowest within the Top Blends category. Whereas the Top Brands category tells us who has the widest range of appealing blends overall, this category tells us who has the widest range of most appealing blends within the our 'favorite' blends. I'm trying to seperate out those brands that have a lot of blends that are 'ok' (Top Brand Overall) and those that have the most that are 'really good' (Top Blend.)


Rank Blend
1 Full Virginia Flake
1 Meridian
2 Penzance
3 5100
3 Best Brown Flake
3 Choice Blend
3 Luxury Bullseye Flake
4 Best Brown #2
4 Blue Mountain
4 Golden Slice
4 Louisianna Flake
4 Squadron Leader
4 Westminster
5 Balkan Supreme
5 Early Morning Pipe
5 Escudo
5 Jacknife Plug
5 Kajun Kake
5 Kendal's Kentucky
5 Lagonda
5 Old Joe Krantz
5 Red Ribbon
5 Stonehaven
5 Wilderness
6 965
6 2015
6 3 Oaks Syrian
6 Bayou Morning
6 Brown Bogie
6 Brown Irish Twist
6 Chelsea Morning
6 Christmas Cheer
6 Dark Birdseye
6 Dark Flake
6 Flake Medallions
6 Hal O' the Wynd
6 Luxury Navy Flake
6 Luxury Twist Flake
6 Opening Night
6 Perfect Plug
6 Quiet Nights
6 Red Rapparee
6 Royal Yacht
6 Skiff Mixture
6 Telegraph Hill
6 Va #1

Top Brand Overall

Rank Brand # of Blends
1 McClelland 21
2 G.L. Pease 19
3 Gawith, Hoggart & Co. 18
4 Cornell & Diehl 8
5 Sam Gawith 7
5 Hearth & Home 7
5 Mac Baren 7
5 P. Stokkebeye 7
6 Dunhill 5
7 Peterson 4
8 McCranie 3
8 Rattray 3
9 Esoterica 2
9 Germain 2
9 Park Lane Tobacconist 2
9 Patton 2
9 STG 2

Top Brand within Top Blends

Rank Brand # of Blends
1 Gawith, Hoggart & Co. 8
2 G.L. Pease 7
3 McClelland 6
4 Cornell & Diehl 4
4 P. Stokkebeye 4
4 Sam Gawith 4
5 Dunhill 3
6 Esoterica 2
6 Rattray 2
7 Davidoff 1
7 Mac Baren 1
7 McCranie 1
7 Orlick 1
7 Peterson 1
7 Prince Albert 1
7 STG 1

So, compared to last year...FVF and McClelland retain their respective places as the top in each of their categories with the exception that Meridian coming out of nowhere this year also shares in the spot in the Top Blend category. Impressive considering that Meridian has only been on the market since October last year!

Quiet Nights has not changed since last year holding the number six spot.

Old Joe Krantz, Balkan Supreme and Best Brown Flake all moved up this year with Krantz jumping up four spots and the others moving up one.

Surprisingly, Escudo fell three spots this year along with Chelsea Morning and Luxury Navy Flake falling just one spot.

Falling completely off the Top Blends list this year was Sir Walter Raleigh and Union Square.

As for the movement of the brands, McClelland stay at the number one spot with G, H & Co., Sam Gawith and Mac Baren all moving up one spot, whereas G.L. Pease, P. Stokkebeye, Dunhill and Peterson all moved up two spots.

Falling down one spot was C&D.

Failing to show up at all on the Top Brands list this year was Boswell.

Interesting results I think...your thoughts?
[Vrh] Go down
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Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.   Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty17.11.11 22:54

Pa dalo bi se diskutirati.
Što se tiče blendera, mogao bih se složiti, a oko mješavina...

Bolje biti u klubu 60 plus nego ne biti![You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Cigarettes are an addiction, cigars are a hobby, pipes are a religion
[Vrh] Go down

Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.   Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty18.11.11 14:53

bayro je napisao/la:
Pa dalo bi se diskutirati.
Što se tiče blendera, mogao bih se složiti, a oko mješavina...

uvijek se dade diskutirati, u tom i je car!

niti ja se ne slazem s vecinom navedenog ali bar imam neke smjernice, recimo, Meridian cu, izmedju ostalog, definitivno naruciti puncu kuci da mi donese kad bude dolazio ovamo u sijecnju. na slicnu foru sam prosle godine kupio chelsea morning i nisam se pokajao, mislim da je G. L.(opina) Pease vrsni blender, nema se tu sto puno za reci.
[Vrh] Go down
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

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Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.   Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty19.11.11 23:08

Slazem se Grga, uvek se moze diskutovati.
Sto se GLP-a tice, stvarno je majstor.
[Vrh] Go down
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Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.   Najbolje mjesavine u 2011. Empty

[Vrh] Go down
Najbolje mjesavine u 2011.
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