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5 posters
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3252
Join date : 06.03.2013
Age : 40
Lokacija : Križevci, Hrvatska
Omiljeni duhani : Balkan Sasieni, Drama Reserve, Christmass Cheer, HH Vintage Syrian, Symphony, Plumcake

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PostajNaslov: 3 časne   3 časne Empty31.05.13 18:30

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I tako, izgleda da smokingpipes dobiva nazad three nuns.
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 1760
Join date : 23.06.2008
Age : 39
Lokacija : Sofija
Omiljeni duhani : ST Balkan Latakia, Billy Budd

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PostajNaslov: Re: 3 časne   3 časne Empty31.05.13 18:50

Da, ali nije riječ o originalnoj mješavini već o "nečemu" što se posljednjih godina pojavljuje na tržištu. Three Nuns su izvorno Virginia/perique, a ovaj novi duhan je Virginia/kentucky. Ne shvaćam kakve su im to fore. To uopće nije isti duhan, a nosi isto ime. Rolling Eyes
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3252
Join date : 06.03.2013
Age : 40
Lokacija : Križevci, Hrvatska
Omiljeni duhani : Balkan Sasieni, Drama Reserve, Christmass Cheer, HH Vintage Syrian, Symphony, Plumcake

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PostajNaslov: Re: 3 časne   3 časne Empty31.05.13 18:57

Ok, to se inače standardno događa u nekim drugim industrijama, nisam mislio da će se i u ovoj našoj.

Sad bumo svi morali govoriti "stari" i "novi". Ah, razočaranje...
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Pipe maker / Moderator
Pipe maker  /  Moderator

Broj postova : 8316
Join date : 05.02.2008
Age : 69
Lokacija : Zagreb

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PostajNaslov: Re: 3 časne   3 časne Empty31.05.13 20:56

vrlo česta situacija.... ima nekih duhana koji časno nose svoje ime, a onda se pojave "nazovi kopije " koje nemaju nikakvu vezu s originalom.... Tako Alatadis ima nekoliko duhana, čista kemija, koji nose imena nekih ozbiljnih marki.....
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3060
Join date : 07.11.2009
Age : 48
Lokacija : Bela Crkva - Banat
Omiljeni duhani : McB Plumcake, McB Scottish, CD Mississippi Mud, ST Balkan Latakia, BN Classic, WOL Classic

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PostajNaslov: Re: 3 časne   3 časne Empty01.06.13 20:39

tako su upropastene i camel cigarete Mad tri snajke u originalnom izdanju bile su odlican duvan, a zasto mora da se upropasti sve sto je dobro, stvarno mi nije jasno
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3252
Join date : 06.03.2013
Age : 40
Lokacija : Križevci, Hrvatska
Omiljeni duhani : Balkan Sasieni, Drama Reserve, Christmass Cheer, HH Vintage Syrian, Symphony, Plumcake

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PostajNaslov: Re: 3 časne   3 časne Empty03.06.13 16:31

Ovo je G.L. Pease imao za reći na tu temu:

Citat :
A: Whilst I will openly admit guilt when it comes to Westminster’s genesis as an attempted recreation of some very old London Mixture, I’ll say, in my defense, that though there are similarities between some of my blends and the classics of yore, these similarities are merely borne out of the inspiration smoking those old blends offered. I sometimes refer to these as impressionistic paintings of my own experiences with the blends, but not as attempts to recreate them. Take Blackpoint, for instance. It came from a specific experience with a specific, very old cutter-top tin of 759. The tobacco in that tin was sublime. And it was unique. It was unlike any other 759 I’d ever smoked, and I found it deeply resonant. I wanted to construct something that would at least trigger memories of that experience for me, whilst also being a solid, well balanced mixture in its own right. Because it was my own singular experience, I can say that goal was achieved, but at the same time, I hope the result communicates something of that experience to others.

You’re absolutely right that explicitly making comparisons opens the floodgates for naysayers. Fact is, I’m usually one of those naysayers, and often, to the chagrin of the clone’s cheerleaders, a pretty vocal one. I have yet to try any replica of an old blend that hits the bullseye, or even really comes close, and even with my own dalliance with the Westminster experiment, it seems to me to be little more than enjoyable folly. Sure, some great blends emerge from the process, but they certainly can’t, and arguably shouldn’t be passed off as replicas, even in those cases, and perhaps especially so, when they bear the same names as the originals.

The whole idea of the so-called “cloning” of tobacco drives me a little pear shaped. Copies will always fall short of the mark, and necessarily so. It is impossible to recreate in a new mixture the qualities that are extant in one that’s been cooking in its own juices for decades. Even if the exact same leaf is combined in the same proportions, using precisely the same methods of toasting, panning, blending, pressing, slicing and so on, the results would be very different. All anyone could rightly compare this new mixture with is their memories of the old one when it was young and fresh, and those memories are both fallible and malleable under the relentless hammer of time. When you add the complicating condition that tobacco, as an agricultural product, will necessarily change over the generations due to soil changes, climate changes, differences in cultivation methodology, and so on, any hope of genuine re-creation is dashed. For that matter, even if yesterday’s mixture has been kept in constant production throughout the years, it would have evolved and changed, as well. So, the best we can really hope for is a sort of guided reminiscence.

We pipesters seem to love nostalgia. I wonder if we sometimes like old blends simply because they’re old, or unobtainable, or otherwise perceived as precious, and that if we were to smoke them more objectively, we might sometimes find them lacking. Not all mixtures will stand up to the rigors of aging, and, to confound things, there are a great many uncontrollable variables in that very process. Differences in storage, for instance, can, in the short term have small effects, but over the decades, those effects are amplified to the point where two identical tins, aged for an identical length of time by two different smokers, might be remarkably different from one another. But, they can trigger memories of smokes past, (reminiscences), in itself a Good Thing, and that’s probably enough. Hence, my nearly steadfast M.O. of drawing inspiration from the past, but then working to create not copies, but interpretive works in my own style.

As for Gentleman’s Mixture, the Sobranie produced version was rather different from the Gallaher produced version (a familiar story?), but I’ve been told by a few puffers that Ashbury is somewhat reminiscent.
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3091
Join date : 17.09.2010
Age : 31
Lokacija : Agram
Omiljeni duhani : Presbyterian, Artisan's Blend i Amphora Regular

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PostajNaslov: Re: 3 časne   3 časne Empty28.06.13 20:46

Plavi Capstan je meni vrlo drag duhan, iako ga baš nisam u prilici stalno pušiti. poznat i po tome što ga je pušio stanoviti profesor lingvistike i pisac u slobodno vrijeme.
Znate li možda ima li šanse da ga naši uvezu sad kad ga prizvodi MacBaren?
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