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 Peterson special reserve 2015

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Oblak dima

Broj postova : 2103
Join date : 23.08.2016
Age : 36
Lokacija : Zagreb
Omiljeni duhani : sg brown sugar flake, glp meridian

Peterson special reserve 2015 Empty
PostajNaslov: Peterson special reserve 2015   Peterson special reserve 2015 Empty14.12.16 12:28

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Peterson's Special Reserve 2015 is this year's expertly blended edition in the long line of yearly reserve tobaccos from Peterson. To mark their 150 year anniversary they have released this luxury blend that offers ripe, loose cut Virginias, Burley and mellow sweet Cavendish. The flavours of these superior tobaccos come through naturally and are enhanced by the light addition of casing and topping, which is elegantly sweet and fruity. The pleasant room note expounds quality tobacco that is sweet and light.

The Peterson Special Reserve 2015 is loose cut and alluring to the eye. Chunky golden brown ribbon laid upon russet brown, amidst bister, taupe and black. Upon opening the tin the aromas of sweet summer fruit wine tempts the nose. This is an indulgent mixture to prepare for smoking. As the flame dances its surface it catches and burns, seemingly with glee. It's a long, relaxing, cool smoke that would aid in contemplative meditation. Being a Special Reserve for 2015, this tobacco won't be around for long.

Zemlja porijekla: Irska
Jakost: 1/5
Sastav:Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Način rezanja:trakice, komadići flakea
Pakiranje: posebna metalna kutija 100g
Mjesto kupnje: Pipatorium Budimpešta
Ocjena: 3.5/5

Pri otvaranju kutije osjeti se mješavina arome grožđica i citrusa. Duhan je taman vlažan i lako se puši. Dim je slatko-kremast s prevladavajućom aromom cavendisha. U pozadini se malo osjeti orašasti okus od burleya. Nikotin je izrazito nizak, gotovo nepostojeći što ovaj duhan čini pogodnim za cijelodnevno pušenje.
Sve u svemu, duhan je vrlo solidan, ali s obzirom da 100 grama košta oko 160 kuna neću ga više kupovati jer me nije baš toliko osvojio, ponajprije zbog izrazito niskog nikotina.
P.s: Ovo mi je prva recenzija te sam otvoren svim sugestijama i kritikama iskusnijih lulaša Smile
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