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 Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco

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5 posters
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Peče me jezik

Broj postova : 486
Join date : 14.12.2009
Lokacija : Zagreb

Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty17.12.09 7:37

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Kaj mislite o tome??

Lp :-)
[Vrh] Go down
Pipe guru / Moderator
Pipe guru / Moderator

Broj postova : 17509
Join date : 15.01.2008
Age : 68
Lokacija : više Crikvenica - manje Zagreb
Omiljeni duhani : C&D Pirate Kake, Da Vinci, Commonwealth, HU Fayyum

Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty20.12.09 11:37


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Cigarettes are an addiction, cigars are a hobby, pipes are a religion
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 1392
Join date : 12.01.2008
Age : 46
Lokacija : Zagreb

Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty20.12.09 23:07

Ima puno nacina kako puniti, svatko vrmenom dodje do nekog svog

Mrzim mizantrope, osporavam nihiliste i družim se sa androfobima.
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Pipe maker / Moderator
Pipe maker  /  Moderator

Broj postova : 8306
Join date : 05.02.2008
Age : 69
Lokacija : Zagreb

Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty21.12.09 9:20

Točno, ne povoditi se za drugima, modom i sl.... Punjenje lule tokom vremena postaje rutina... bez puno filozofije
[Vrh] Go down

Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty28.03.10 23:26

ja sam jako zadovoljan sa airpocket metodom punjenja. lula jako lijepo gori, ne gasi se, tamper skoro da i ne treba,a i cini mi se da se dosta manje grije.
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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3189
Join date : 05.11.2009
Age : 49
Lokacija : Beograd

Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty29.03.10 0:43

Pa ako ti odgovara samo furaj... Cool
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Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco   Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco Empty

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Air Pocket Method for filling a pipe with tobacco
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