| Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! | |
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bayro Pipe guru / Moderator
Broj postova : 17633 Join date : 15.01.2008 Age : 68 Lokacija : više Crikvenica - manje Zagreb Omiljeni duhani : C&D Pirate Kake, Da Vinci, Commonwealth, HU Fayyum
| Naslov: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 14:14 | |
| Latakia tobacco (Arabic: تبغ اللاذقية) is a specially prepared tobacco originally produced in Syria and named after the port city of Latakia. Now the tobacco is mainly produced in Cyprus. It is cured over a stone pine or oak wood fire, which gives it an intense smokey-peppery taste and smell. Too strong for most people's tastes to smoke straight, it is used as a "condiment" or "blender" (a basic tobacco mixed with other tobaccos to create a blend), especially in English, Balkan, and some American Classic blends. McConnell, however, as of 2009, proposes a pure Latakia pipe tobacco. Latakia is the result of a curing process involving fire curing the leaves over controlled fires of aromatic woods and fragrant herbs. Probably the most well known spice tobacco. Mainly grown in Cyprus and northern Syria. After the leaves are harvested and dried, they are hung in tightly closed barns and smoke-cured. Small smoldering fires of oak and pine fill the barn with smoke, and covering the leaves with smoke particles. Latakia was “discovered” when a bumper crop resulted in surplus, and the excess tobacco was stored in the rafters. The peasant farmers traditionally used wood for cooking and heating in the winter. The smoke cured tobacco unique flavoring and taste was discovered the following spring. Latakia produces a very rich, heavy taste, with an aroma that has a “smoky” characteristic. Latakia is an indispensable ingredient of traditional English mixtures. The content can vary from a few percent to about 40-50%, or even more. A few smokers like it at 100%. This would tend to be harsh, not because Latakia is a strong tobacco, but because it burns very dry.
Availability of Syrian Latakia
Modern mass marketed pipe tobaccos use the french perfume called 'Fumerie Turque' on their products. Large corporations cannot afford the cost cause by a fire in the Syrian Latakia warehouse in 2004. The question remains if any still use real Latakia tobacco anymore. Though Latakia tobacco from Cyprus seems to be plentiful in the present tobacco market, the prevalence of Syrian Latakia in boutique tobacco blends seems to have diminished of late. Several popular pipe tobacco blends produced by Cornell and Diehl, manufacturers of the G. L. Pease tobacco blends, ceased the inclusion of Syrian Latakia following a warehouse fire in late 2004 which destroyed most of their stock of Syrian Latakia: In the morning, our leaf processor's warehouse containing nearly all of the available Syrian Latakia that was brought into the country burned to the ground. A few pounds remain here and there, but of literally tons of this sublime leaf, all that is left is ashes and dust. As bad as this is for us, it's far worse for the importer, who still owned the majority of the leaf lost. The business impact is obvious. All of the Syrian Latakia containing blends, from both G.L. Pease and Cornell & Diehl, can not be produced. Whatever is currently on the shelves is all that there is, or will be in the foreseeable future. Trade relations with Syria are somewhat sensitive at present, and while we're working through every possible channel to replace what was lost, we have no way of predicting when we'll be able to get another shipment. Despite this apparent setback, other manufacturers such as McClelland, MacBaren and Solani have been able to continue to produce pipe tobacco blends containing Syrian Latakia. Note: A modern perfume called Fumerie Turque (Turkish Smoke) created by French company Serge Lutens, reproduced a fragrance in emulation of Latakian Tobacco.
Blends Containing Syrian Latakia
Balkan Sobranie Smoking Mixture (discontinued) Balkan Sobranie No. 759 Mixture (discontinued) MacBaren HH Vintage Syrian MacBaren Solent Mixture McClelland 3 Oaks Syrian McClelland Rose of Latakia McClelland Syrian Full Balkan McClelland Syrian Super Balkan McClelland Frog Morton Across the Pond McClelland Grand Orientals Yenidje Highlander Smokers Haven In-B-Tween Mixture Smokers Haven Cognac Mixture Smokers Haven Our Best Blend Smokers Haven Krumble Kake Smokers Haven 20th Anniversary Mixture Boswell Northwoods _________________ Bolje biti u klubu 60 plus nego ne biti![You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] J.P.Cigarettes are an addiction, cigars are a hobby, pipes are a religion | |
| | | ssekir75 Oblak dima
Broj postova : 3060 Join date : 07.11.2009 Age : 48 Lokacija : Bela Crkva - Banat Omiljeni duhani : McB Plumcake, McB Scottish, CD Mississippi Mud, ST Balkan Latakia, BN Classic, WOL Classic
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 14:24 | |
| pa cekaj, to ispade laznjak | |
| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 16:40 | |
| Drago mi je sto sam imao mogucnosti i prilike probati i jednu i drugu vrstu. Ciparska mi je ipak bolja. |
| | | bayro Pipe guru / Moderator
Broj postova : 17633 Join date : 15.01.2008 Age : 68 Lokacija : više Crikvenica - manje Zagreb Omiljeni duhani : C&D Pirate Kake, Da Vinci, Commonwealth, HU Fayyum
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 18:22 | |
| - grga je napisao/la:
- Drago mi je sto sam imao mogucnosti i prilike probati i jednu i drugu vrstu. Ciparska mi je ipak bolja.
Ovisi o mješavini. Ciparska je malo žešća, intenzivnija, dok je ciparska aromatičnija. Obično ih uspoređujem sa kavom - ciparka je poput arabike, a sirijska poput brazilske. No i jedna i druga su carice! _________________ Bolje biti u klubu 60 plus nego ne biti![You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] J.P.Cigarettes are an addiction, cigars are a hobby, pipes are a religion | |
| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 18:52 | |
| Mislim da si na pocetku druge recenice mislio na sirijsku. |
| | | bayro Pipe guru / Moderator
Broj postova : 17633 Join date : 15.01.2008 Age : 68 Lokacija : više Crikvenica - manje Zagreb Omiljeni duhani : C&D Pirate Kake, Da Vinci, Commonwealth, HU Fayyum
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 19:00 | |
| Ne. Ciparska je žešća, sa većim postotkom nikotina, kao i mala zrna arabice - etiopske kave (pokrajina kaffa) , a sirijska je poput brazilske (santos, minas), bogatija aromom i nešto blaža. _________________ Bolje biti u klubu 60 plus nego ne biti![You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] J.P.Cigarettes are an addiction, cigars are a hobby, pipes are a religion | |
| | | Davorin Pipe maker / Moderator
Broj postova : 8317 Join date : 05.02.2008 Age : 69 Lokacija : Zagreb
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 19:25 | |
| u svakom slučaju sam latakija ima mali postotak nikotina... neki štosevi s zemljište s niskim postotkom dušika, a to vrijedi za sve orijentalne duhane. | |
| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 21:09 | |
| - bayro je napisao/la:
- Ne. Ciparska je žešća, sa većim postotkom nikotina, kao i mala zrna arabice - etiopske kave (pokrajina kaffa) , a sirijska je poput brazilske (santos, minas), bogatija aromom i nešto blaža.
Meni moj jezik prica malo drukciju pricu a zajedno s njim i neki poznati i priznati blenderi. Ukusi su razliciti, prema tome, svaka dalja rasprava bi bila bespredmetna. |
| | | ssekir75 Oblak dima
Broj postova : 3060 Join date : 07.11.2009 Age : 48 Lokacija : Bela Crkva - Banat Omiljeni duhani : McB Plumcake, McB Scottish, CD Mississippi Mud, ST Balkan Latakia, BN Classic, WOL Classic
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 21:17 | |
| - Davorin je napisao/la:
- u svakom slučaju sam latakija ima mali postotak nikotina... neki štosevi s zemljište s niskim postotkom dušika, a to vrijedi za sve orijentalne duhane.
a zato svi istocnjaci puse " ko turci"... | |
| | | imnik Oblak dima
Broj postova : 3191 Join date : 05.11.2009 Age : 49 Lokacija : Beograd
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 04.05.10 23:38 | |
| Latakija bila ona Ciparska ili Sirijska je odlicna. Meni vise lezi Sirijska, no kako Grga rece ukusu su razliciti. | |
| | | bayro Pipe guru / Moderator
Broj postova : 17633 Join date : 15.01.2008 Age : 68 Lokacija : više Crikvenica - manje Zagreb Omiljeni duhani : C&D Pirate Kake, Da Vinci, Commonwealth, HU Fayyum
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 05.05.10 0:17 | |
| Naravno. Da bih riječ rekao protiv ciparske! Daleko od toga. Nisam se niti upuštao u donošenje nekih vrijednosnih sudova "što je bolje - što lošije"! Obje su odlične. I da svedem stvar na "proste faktore" - netko voli slađu, netko gorču kavu. I to je to! _________________ Bolje biti u klubu 60 plus nego ne biti![You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] J.P.Cigarettes are an addiction, cigars are a hobby, pipes are a religion | |
| | | Davorin Pipe maker / Moderator
Broj postova : 8317 Join date : 05.02.2008 Age : 69 Lokacija : Zagreb
| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! 05.05.10 15:33 | |
| Točno, meni je svaka latakija odlična | |
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| Naslov: Re: Opet nešto malo o latakiji, da utvrdimo gradivo! | |
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