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 Top X duhana...

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Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 1036
Join date : 01.09.2022
Age : 44
Lokacija : Varaždin
Omiljeni duhani : Ashton Artisan's blend, MM 965, RMc Oriental, RMc River Thames, plavi Capstan, Amphora Virginia blend, HH Pure Virginia, Peterson Flake, MB mixture Scottish blend, Peterson De Luxe Navy Rolls

Top X duhana... - Page 4 Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Top X duhana...   Top X duhana... - Page 4 Empty25.01.24 16:04

EDIT: Nakon cca 6 mjeseci od zadnji put, s vremenom sam si složio obavezni lager duhana kojega mora biti kao kruha u kući, a ako tu i tamo uleti što usput za probu super, ako ne - ne... Po 5 duhana iz svake kategorije osim aromatika:
( +/ - = može ih biti, ali opet ne moraju nužno)

Čiste virdžinije:

1.Amphora - Virginia Blend
2.Peterson - Flake
3.MB - HH Pure Virginia
4.MB - Capstan Blue +/-
5.G.L Pease - Union Square

Virdžinijske mješavine:

1.Peterson - De Luxe Navy Rolls
2.Rattray's - Old Gowrie
3.Rattray's - Hal O' The Wynd
4.Robert McConnell - River Thames
5.Orlik - Golden Sliced

Burley mješavine / Ostali duhani:

1.HU Tobacco - Night Owl
2.Rattray's - Stirling Flake
3.MB - HH Old Dark Fired
4.MB - Navy Flake +/-
5.Solani - Aged Burley Flake +/-

Latakijske mješavine:

1.Ashton - Artisan's Blend
2.Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides
3.Peterson - My Mixture 965
3.Peterson - Old Dublin
4.Rattray's - Black Mallory
5.Robert McConnell - Oriental


1.MB - mixture Scottish Blend
2.MB - St. Bruno

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