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 Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian)

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2 posters
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3252
Join date : 06.03.2013
Age : 40
Lokacija : Križevci, Hrvatska
Omiljeni duhani : Balkan Sasieni, Drama Reserve, Christmass Cheer, HH Vintage Syrian, Symphony, Plumcake

Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty
PostajNaslov: Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian)   Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty11.07.17 20:13

Nabasao na ovo na pipesmagazine:

Citat :
After a discussion with one of the great names in the pipe smoking world I have decided to remove MacBaren HH Vintage Syrian from the tobacco list. There were rumours before that MacBaren was mixing amounts of Cyprian latakia with the Syrian dark leaf. I already had suspicions some time ago but choose to believe the MacBaren folks and ignore my taste buds. The “great name” with much better taste buds confirmed my old suspicions. There is a difference in taste between the old tins I have and new ones. Further I have deleted all tobaccos claiming to have Syrian latakia from my list. McClelland had the last real Syrian dark leaf and they have run out of it recently. All other companies who say they still have some stock are lying in my opinion or they have some left-over shreds that they put in the blends to stay within the boundaries of laws. Taste-wise you are not going to notice it. Blends simply sell better with the Syrian latakia label on them. So in short, the Syrian dark leaf is totally gone now. Don’t let anyone or anything fool you and oh, tobacco companies, be honest to your customers.
[Vrh] Go down
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 3252
Join date : 06.03.2013
Age : 40
Lokacija : Križevci, Hrvatska
Omiljeni duhani : Balkan Sasieni, Drama Reserve, Christmass Cheer, HH Vintage Syrian, Symphony, Plumcake

Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian)   Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty11.07.17 20:20

MacBarenovci su bili dali odgovor na to:

I normally don’t comment on rumours coming from an anonym source, but I will make an exemption in this case. In 2006 I created the HH Vintage Syrian as a single standing tobacco. Since the first making of this blend the recipe has not changed, it is still made after the 2006 recipe with Syrian Latakia.

If you compare an older tin with a new one, the taste of the older will of course be slight different due to age. If a pipe smoker perceives this as the newer tin contains a lesser quality tobacco, I would consider this to be a genuine mistake. The HH Vintage Syrian is created like no other Latakia blend, because it also contains Dark Fired Kentucky. In comparison with more “normal” English blends, you will, as pipe smoker, experience another taste in HH Vintage Syrian as in your favourite English blend. HH Vintage Syrian is not your typical English blend and there are so many other good blends out there which will satisfy your taste for Latakia. HH Vintage Syrian was created to be different.

However, no matter this discussion HH Vintage Syrian will be leaving soon, as our supply of Syrian Latakia is coming to an end. Latest in February or March next year the last of the HH Vintage Syrian will leave Svendborg, Denmark, so the guy who created it will also be the one to put it down. That HH Vintage Syrian is leaving us, I have stated over and over again, and I have never made it a secret that it would disappear and also when.

First of all I want to inform you that of course I stand behind my statement on pipesmagazine.com. As I have mentioned time after time during the years we would be out of Syrian Latakia latest in 2019 to 2020. The reason that we stop the production already in beginning of 2018 has more reasons than one. First our stock is lower than predicted 7 years ago and second we had to destroy some of the Latakia because it did not live up to the standard we demanded.

At the time when rumours started about the shortage of Syrian Latakia, we contacted our vast network of tobacco suppliers to hear if they could help us obtaining Syrian Latakia. We managed to get 6 batches from different sources, some small but 2 of batches were bigger. Since then we have blended the different Latakia from Syria in order to get an even taste. At present time the rest of the Syrian Latakia we have is blended out of only 2 different batches where we in the past blended at least 4 different together.

So yes, we have been using different batches in HH Vintage Syrian and in February 2018 the book of Syrian Latakia will be closed.
[Vrh] Go down
Oblak dima
Oblak dima

Broj postova : 2095
Join date : 23.08.2016
Age : 36
Lokacija : Zagreb
Omiljeni duhani : sg brown sugar flake, glp meridian

Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian)   Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty11.07.17 21:29

Pretpostavljam da sam ja pušio noviji vintage Syrian jer nisam osjetio ni približno ono što su recenzije pisale. Nije ovaj noviji loš, ali nije ništa specijalno.
[Vrh] Go down
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Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian)   Nema više sirijske (HH Vintage Syrian) Empty

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